Items to acquire

Salubra sells many items that are useful to the player. Here is a chart of items ranked on their usefulness for the False Knight fight.

Name Item Rank Cost Description
Longnail The longnail charm. It is metallic like steel and pointy. 1 300 Increases the Knights attack reach
Lifeblood Heart The lifeblood heart charm. It is ornate and has a blue gem in its center. 2 250 Increases the Knights HP by 2. This HP is unrecoverable until death or sitting at a bench
Steady Body The steady body charm. It is metallic like iron and organic looking. 3 120 Removes the knockback experienced after striking an enemy
Quick Focus The quick focus charm. It is metallic like silver and has a pink gen in its center. 4 800 Greatly reduces time to heal
Shaman Stone The shaman stone charm. It is metallic like bronze and has snail shell patterns all over. 5 220 Increases Spell Damage

My Reasoning

Longnail is first in my ranking because it makes dogding the False Knights attacks easier. This is due to the player being able to strike the False Knight from farther away so when the boss retaliates you have an easier time of dodging.

Lifeblood heart is my second rank because it increases the players health by two. These two HP allow the player to play more recklessly in the fight and deal more damage to the boss.

Steady body is my third rank because allows the player to deal increased damage. This is due to the knockback effect usually present when you stike something being negated by this charm. This saves the player time that would have be spent repositioning from the knockback.

Quick Focus is my fourth rank due to its high price and lack of usefullness in the False Knight fight. While this charm is great later in the game agaisnt tougher bosses, the false knight gives you plenty of time to heal between attacks.

Shaman Stone is my fifth rank due to the knight not having access to spells until after the False Knight fight. It is otherwise a very good charm.